2.4.2 project does not load properly

I have a problem: an old project created in 2.4.2 does not load properly on my new computer. There are no error messages. However, I cannot display any spectra despite that they seems to have the correct links. The project load on the old computer without problem. Both computers are running windows 10.
Has anyone any idea about what could be the problem?

best regards



I have seen problems with the analysis version 2.5.2 on windows 10 since about 1 year ago. It seems to be somewhat machine dependent so is probably an interaction between the hardware & operating system updates.

Can you open your spectra in a new project under 2.5.2 in windows 10, and do they display properly? Be sure to open more than one spectrum and check that they look different from one another (one of the symptoms I see is that all the spectra display the same contours irrespective of the underlying data).

Best wishes,

Thanks for the suggestion.
I now tried using 2.5.2, the project still does not load the spectra properly but I get an error message:
Error converting ‘<>’ to float: set to 0.0
and instead of <> it could also be some parameter.
Same happens when I try to load a spectra into a new project as you suggested.

best regards


Hi Peter,

I guess you’re using Bruker data? Those “errors” are just from reading the Bruker parameter files - most of the parameters that analysis cares about are numbers so whoever wrote that bit of the code set it to try to convert everything to floats and didn’t catch the exception where that fails.

I’m guessing that you’re still not seeing the spectra displayed though? If you could send one of the spectra to me via transfer.gla.ac.uk I can check whether I can reproduce the issue.
