3.2.5 copy peaks crashes

copy peaks from one peak list to another hangs after 100% complete.

Hmmm - we have made changes here. These now enable you to copy from one PeakList to multiple other ones in one go. However, I don’t seem to be able to replicate the hanging.

Can you give more details of what you are doing, please? Are you copying one PL to one other or to multiple other ones? Are you doing this by dragging a PL into a SpecDisplay? Or are you using Spectrum/Copy Peak Lists… or shortcut CL? What options are you selecting?


Hi Vicky,
Copying peaks by dragging a peaklist from the browser onto a spectrum display works fine. The error occurs when selecting a subset of peaks from a peak list module window, right-click selected peaks, copy peaks and then getting a dialog window, asking you which peaklists you want to copy the peaks into. A little window opens say 1%…then 100% complete which doesn’t close and the ccpn instance then hangs. Does this make sense?

I’ve tried this in a completely different project, and more or less the same thing happened, although if I click “cancel” in the progress window, the project becomes usable again, but the peaks aren’t copied.

CCPN install is completely up-to-date


Hi Matt,

I think this is almost certainly the same issue we came across with the Set Up NmrResidues progress window during testing. I’ll get @ejb to look at this next week.

I’m incidentally finding that the progress drop-down window can be closed with Cancel once it reaches 100%, but then the Copy Peaks pop-up has to be closed with the (in my case on a Mac) little red X in the top the left corner (I’m assuming there are similar ways of closing a dialog box on the other OSs). The buttons in the dialog box don’t work.
The peaks, however, are copied. Note that you have to explicitly highlight the target spectra to copy to in order for this to work. (I have to admit I’m not sure I quite like the way this pop-up works at the moment - it feels like it interfaces slightly different with users to many other parts of the program. Something we need to work on, I think.)


Hi Vicky,

same issue here, Ubuntu 22.04.
It works pretty consistently with up to 10 peaks. A pop-up appears, I click cancel after it reached 100% and the peaks are copied. When I try with ca. 15 or more, the peaks are copied, but no dialog box appears and the the software is just unresponsive, i.e. I need to kill it.


Hi Fede and Matt,

Looks like we won’t be able to get the fix for this onto the update server until tomorrow - sorry. But you could use the following macro code instead:

targetPeakLists = [get('PL:Target_10.1'), get('PL:Target_11.10')]
with undoBlock():
    for peakList in targetPeakLists:
        for peak in current.peaks:
            newPeak = peak.copyTo(peakList)
            # newPeak.fit( keepPosition=False) #optional,  keepPosition=True to not move the original position  

Just amend the target PeakList PID(s) in the first line and make sure you have selected all the peaks you want to copy (either in a PeakList table or in a SpectrumDisplay) - remember Ctrl-A will select all Peaks in a Spectrum/PeakList table.


If you update, it should be okay now.

Hi Ed and Vicky,

works smoothly now, thanks a lot!


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