dragging from nmrchain to assign HSQC peaks


I’m trying to set up HSQC assignments, following the tutorial here - Quick Assignments. I’ve loaded the 2D experiment, set the experiment type manually to 15N HSQC, created a new chain from my protein sequence, then created a new nmrchain from this chain. However, once I then pick some peaks and drag an assignment from the nmrchain onto it, I get this annoying window asking to pick a 1H atom type. This doesn’t happen in the demo - is this a bug? It happens for all residue types, so it’s not like tryptophan where there’s ambiguity…





I think we added this at some point later so as to make this feature more flexible and appropriate to other spectrum types (I think originally it might only have ever created H, N and C atoms or something like that). So in principle this is a feature, not a bug. However, I can see that if you have set the ExptType to 15N HSQC it really should respond and be more selective about when it brings up the pop-up. Will add to our bug/Issues list.
