Error loading Project: maxAliasedFreq


I am trying to load my project but it shows the following error message. The Software turns off when I cross this error message window. Please let me know what can be done. I have really important analysis in this project.

Error loading Project:


maxAliasedFreq constraint value_is_not_smaller_than_minAliasedFreq violated by value:


Best wishes,

Hi Venus,

Which software version are you using? V2?


No, V3.

The likely problem is to do with the chemical shift bounds that you have set for one (or more) of your spectra.

Make a .zip of .tar.gz of your project directory just in case something else goes wrong.

A fix will probably be possible by editing your project’s .xml file in the subdirectory/subfolder ccpnv3/ccp/nmr/Nmr. Use a text editor like textedit or notepad (not a word processor like word) to edit the file with a very long filename ending .xml. Search for instances of maxAliasedFreq - there should be one for each spectrum - and see what values they are set to. See if you can spot a crazy value.

The crucial question, if this is the problem & fix, is how you got into this state. Please let us know if you can work out what you did to get here.

There are 76 instances where i find maxAliasedFreq and minAliasedvalues in this .XML file. I have analysed these values earlier as well. However, It doesn’t seem to contain any crazy values as per my understanding. Is there a way I could send this file to you?


e.g. Do you think this is okay?

<NMR.ExpDimRef _ID=“21181” axisCode=“C” maxAliasedFreq=“266.2159” minAliasedFreq=“-60.815840469116324” serial=“1” sf=“201.12241” unit=“ppm”>

Hi Venus,

Yes please if you could send us the project that would be great:


Hi Eliza,

I have sent the project (zipped) to the specified email.
