Export files for ARIA

Hi everyone,

Have my assigned done on V3 and would like to run my structure calculation online in AriaWeb. I have not found a way to export my chemical shift and peaks lists for that. Do you know how could I do this? is this possible at all with V3?

Thank you!


The only way of exporting data from Analysis V3 is via NEF format and AriaWeb is not yet compatible with NEF.

To use AriaWeb you would need to export your project into NEF file, load it into Analysis V2 (minimum version 2.5) and from then you can export shifts and peak lists using Format Converter.

If you have any questions about this please let me know.
Kind regards,

oh, got you!

thanks a lot for the reply Eliza. I’ll try NEF into ccpnV2 and take it from there.

Best wishes,