In-person workshop at the Crick Institute, London

CCPN will be running an in-person workshop on using the CcpNmr Analysis 3.1.0 software to analyse NMR data
on Friday 23 September 2022, 14:00-17:00
at the Crick Institute in London (

This will be a hands-on workshop where both beginners and more advanced users can learn to use different aspects of the software on their own laptops using their own or example data.
Following a brief introduction you will be able to work through one or more of our tutorials on the basics, backbone assignment, structure calculations, chemical shift perturbations, 13C-detected solid-sate assignments, screening or macro writing with CCPN staff on hand to help out and answer questions.

Numbers are limited to 20. Please sign up using our online registration form at Workshop Registration - CCPN. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.