Marking peaks stopped working


After an update (in the last two days) the marking of peaks stopped working for me. Neither pm shortcut nor selecting Mark peaks from the menu does nothing.
I am using v 3.1.1 on Win 11.


I know! This has been a real disaster :sob:. Some untested stuff got pushed onto the update server and it seems to have been virtually impossible to untangle it again. I think Ed thought he had managed to get some of it sorted again, but sadly not all of it. We’re now busy trying to get version 3.2 ready for next week and have it fixed in there. Really sorry…


Thank you, Vicky. I will wait patiently for a fix.

Hello Vicky,

I am still having problems with marking peaks in V3.1.1 after the update. It helps when I close the modules and open them again, but then when I mark a peak in one spectrum it does not mark it in the other spectra that should be marked as well…please help, it’s driving me crazy :frowning:

Hi Carolina,
I would recommend upgrading to 3.2.0. It works again (plus there are a few other enhancements).

Hello Józef,

Thanks for your reply. Do you know if it’s possible to open a project in V3.2 and V3.1.1 indistinctly? i.e. If I open my project in V3.2 can I open it later on V3.1.1?

Yes. It works for my projects. Not sure if there are any special features that would not work (Vicky would know better) but for my data I had opened and saved in either 3.2.0 and 3.1.1 and there was no problem whatsoever (I have both versions in parallel).
So based on my experience you would not notice any difference or have any problems opening projects while cycling the versions. But obviously, I have not tested under all possible conditions.
Maybe a keep a copy of your project and test with a few small changes before you start making extensive changes to the project.

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Yes you can. 3.1.1 and 3.2 don’t have substantial core model changes. However you might have some problems on GUI marks on spectrumDisplays. So please make sure you backup your project first.
Obviuosly, don’t open the same project at same time with two instances of the program. If you really need it, make one as read only. (click on the lock at the bottom right of the display)

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