Problem with peak picking


It`s not a long time I`m using v3, but there`s a problem I cannot overcome. Whenever I try the peak picking having a certain threshold level, it takes a lot of time to do it and whenever it finally ends it has picked all the noise as peaks (even though they were not visible with the contour level previously set). How can I set a threshold level for the peak picking?

Many thanks


I found that the problem of the pick peaking threshold was solved when the project was not imported from v2 but started from the raw spectra. Apparently, the import of a project from v2 to v3 makes this problem. Moreover, with an HNcaCO that was automatically imported as a `C-detected HNCACO`, it was a 1ppm shift between the real data and the shown data. It`s to say, peaks appeared -1ppm shifted in the N dimension, however, upon peak picking, the peak label appeared +1ppm shifted from the peak (in the right position, actually).
I wish this might help.

Hi Martí,

that sounds rather surprising - the threshold is basically the contour level and I am struggling to reproduce this problem. How did you pick the picks? Using Shift+Ctrl/Cmd+left-drag or using the PP pop-up? What kind of spectrum are you dealing with? Are you using 3.0.2 with all the latest updates?



Hi Martí,

thanks for your second message (think we must have been writing at the same time!).
We shall look into this - thanks for reporting it.


Hi Martí,

I`m afraid I am struggling to recreate these problems. Are you definitely working with out latest version - 3.0.2?
If so, perhaps you could try sending us your V2 project (to and we can take a look. Normally, we wouldn`t need the spectra, but I think this case, it would be helpful if you could send us at least one or two of them.



Hi Vicky,
Yes, I am working with 3.0.2, however I cannot update it. I don`t remember if ever worked, but also, my CCPNMR v3 cannot connect to the network (and everytime it starts up, it takes several minutes trying to connect without succes). I don`t know if this issue may come from my computer or from the software.
I will send you the project anyway.


Hi Martí,

I wonder if your connection issues could be linked to Proxies? I know some people have had issues with that. You can set Proxy settings in the User Preferences.

Best wishes,


Thanks for your answer, could solve it by insering my proxy information!