Simulate Spectra with already available chemical shift list

Dear all,

I would like to simulate in solution the hCCH-TOCSY experiment for a peaklist generation and HBHAcoNH.
In the list of simulated possibility are not listed yet? Correct?

Is there a work around?

Thanks in advance



Hi Angelo,

no these are not currently listed/possible. But I think they shouldn’t be too hard to implement. So I’ll try and see if we can get these done and uploaded by Friday.


Hi Angelo,

the HB/HAcoNH should now be available with the latest updates. Any problems let me know.

Unfortunately, the hCCH-TOCSY is rather more complicated and may have to wait until we are able to implement a more generalised Simulated Peak List function. (Our current simulated peak lists are a bit of hack to be perfectly honest.)


Thanks a lot!

