Hello. I’m having trouble re-loading my analysis 2.5.2 project. Just before this, it was working fine and I saved the project in NMRBox. However, I can’t get it to open anymore
I get the following error message
TopObject with package:gui not found or loaded
I will appreciate any help I can get. Thanks
fortunately, we were able to sort out the project for you and I think @ElizaP has sent it to you.
It turns out that the problem (at least in Version 3) was that you were using your own Experiment Types. So at the moment Analysis V3 can’t deal with user generated Experiment Prototypes. I was hoping we could do an easy fix for this, but it looks like it won’t be quite so straight forward. Why this wasn’t opening correctly in Version 2, is not quite so clear to me, though it was also related to the experiment types.
Please note that if you want to use Version 3, Experiment Types are not in fact required by default. There are only certain features for which these are required.
Thank you so much for your detailed feedback. Eliza indeed sent the recovered project to me. I really don’t knw why the experiment types caused such a big problem in the v2 as well. I’ve had those set for a while now and it’s been good. From the error messages, it looked like one of the Experiment Prototype file that I had created was missing and it was referenced in the project xml. So anytime it was trying to read/load the xml, it would have issues with the missing file. At least that’s what it looked like to me.
I’m truly releived to have the recovered project now and I sincerely appreciate the prompt feedback from the team.
Thank you again!