V3.0.1 release

Dear All,

we have now released V3.0.1 of CcpNmr Analysis which you can download from


As well as Mac and (various flavours of) Linux versions, we also have a Windows 10 beta version available for download.

There are lots of small changes and improvements compared to 3.0.0:
- various stability issues and other bugs fixed
- Windows 10 beta distribution available
- changes to the update mechanism
- changes to the data model
- inclusion of OpenBabel
- upgrade to Python3.8
- z-plane navigation now in-display style
- improvements to strip plots
- inclusion of MAS sidebands
- Ctrl/Cmd+scroll or ZZ/XX to move through z-planes
- Shift+scroll or QQ/WW to change contour levels
- improvements to the use of working paths

Any problems, please let us know.

Have fun!