problem with backbone assignment

Hi everyone,
I have a problem with the backbone assignment. After the last upgrade, when I try to connect the residues it appears this kind of error:
File “D:\ccpnmr3.2.0\src\python\ccpn\ui\gui\widgets\”, line 227, in dropEvent
if not widg._dropEventCallback(dataDict):
File “D:\ccpnmr3.2.0\src\python\ccpn\ui\gui\lib\”, line 217, in call
self._callback(callbackDict, **self._kwargs)
File “D:\ccpnmr3.2.0\src\python\ccpn\ui\gui\widgets\”, line 1070, in _processDroppedLabel
guiModule._processDroppedNmrResidue(data, nmrResidue=nmrResidue, plusChain=plusChain)
File “D:\ccpnmr3.2.0\src\python\ccpn\AnalysisAssign\modules\”, line 602, in _processDroppedNmrResidue
getLogger().debug(‘nmrResidue:%s, droppedNmrResidue:%s’, nmrResidue, droppedNmrResidue)
File “D:\ccpnmr3.2.0\src\python\ccpn\util\”, line 132, in _message
_msg = _logCaller(logger, fmsg, stacklevel) if includeInspection else '; '.join(fmsg)
File “D:\ccpnmr3.2.0\src\python\ccpn\util\”, line 110, in _logCaller
_file, _line, func, _ = logger.findCaller(stack_info=False, stacklevel=stacklevel)
File "D:\ccpnmr3.2.0\miniconda\lib\logging_init
.py", line 1562, in findCaller
stacklevel -= 1
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: ‘NmrResidue’ and ‘int’
INFO : Validating Project integrity… (Project._getAPIObjectsStatus:2202)

and I can’t bond them together.
How can i resolve this problem?


Hi Marta,

this is the same as the issue as the one reported at Backbone assignment - link residue to chain.

A fix for this is on the update server.
