V2 Project not opening

Hello Everyone,
I have recently installed a ccpnmr 3.0.4 and I tried to open a project made in v2 version. It showed the error 

TopObject with package:gui not found or loaded:


Can someone please let me know how to solve this issue. 

Hi Sahil,

do you have a traceback?
It looks as though there this is something to do with one of the experiment types used in the project. Are you using any unusual ones?
The easiest thing may be if you send us a copy of the project (no need to include the actual spectra). You can send it to either ccpnmr3@gmail or our new support@ccpn.ac.uk address.


Hi Vicky,
Yes, there are some unusual experiment types in few of the spectra. I have sent the project to you.

Hi Sahil,

4 years later and I have the same problem. Did you get this resolved? If yes, do you mind sharing how? Thanks!

Hi Zainy,

looks like we did solve this one, but we can’t immediately remember how! Anyway, thanks for sending your project (via Unable to load project in version 2.5.2). We’re looking into it now.


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